Wednesday, February 23, 2011

“Going Against The Grain: The Acquisition and Use of Literacy”

     The struggle and trials that black people had to endure is amazingly thrilling. The ability of  learning to read and write was rare and praised if occured, especially in a black woman's case. I could not imagine a life where I would not have the opportunity of learning literacy. This piece of work opened my eyes up to where I am grateful to be a literate African-American woman. Due to the fact that women were not even recognized for their hardships and their state of being human. Maria W. Stewart and Lucy Terry proved that through literacy you are giving a voice and that you can be heard when you use your voice to speak out against injustices. Literacy can bring change and with it you can not be silenced. 
      I couldn't help but realize how my generation has strayed away form the path that out ancestors paved away for us. Not many of us are willing to fight anymore they are more willing to sit back and watch our brothers and sisters be mistreated. Not only that, we have turned against one another and brought hurt, pain, and shame upon our people. Somewhere along the way we forgot how to fight for what was right and for justice. We must find our way before its to late, before we are put back in the mindset of slavery once again.
    The different ways that people used to teach blacks literacy was astonishing. For people to be able and willingly to go out their way for education shows me that we must restore the importance of education in our society. We have yet to take advantage of free education in our society and until we do we will continue to go downhill. Change is very much needed and with African-American women being the strongest species we must fight for change and we will conquer it.

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