Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Black and on Welfare

Sandra Golden engages her readers by letting them know that I've been through the heartbreaking discrimination when it comes to being on welfare. Especially being a black educated woman on welfare. She states how she lost pretty much everything while she was still pregnant with her child which her to walk through the doors of the County Department of Human Services. The discrimination that she got there from the case manager led her to study black women who are discriminated by the Welfare system. One of her main points is that Welfare systems dont acknowledge the social literacy skills that black women possess.

Over the years political icons have strived to end the true purpose of Welfare. By stricting people up to five years to be on and off welfare and penny pinching amounts of money for food stamps. Throughout her studies she noticed that discrimination in the Welfare system could be counted back all the way to 1935.

In my personal opinion I find that some movies and music have a negative influence on the way people see welfare. By showing lazy women who dont work and use their welfare check to take care of themselves and not their children puts a bad picture in some people's heads. However; that does not make an excuse to judge one on their past and unfortunes. I feel that we as a black community should change the image of black women and men on welfare if we want others to change their opinions on black women and men on welfare.

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